Kutztown HS
Kutztown MS
Al Seifarth Instrumental Day and Toni Lynne Vocal Day are one-day events for middle and high school students to learn about and experience firsthand specific aspects of the jazz genre, and work with professional jazz musicians in a fun, supportive environment. Experience is not required.
For Instrumental Day, school ensembles will rotate through a series of clinicians throughout the day, culminating in a feature showcase performance by professional artists.
Vocal Day is geared towards students that do not have a jazz vocal ensemble in their school. They will work with clinicians who will introduce them to jazz singing through a shared vocal jazz arrangement, culminating in a performance of the piece, as well as a showcase by Ms. Toni Lynne herself.
These clinic events are open to all Berks County schools free of charge. Non-Berks County schools are encouraged to complete the form below to learn more about affordable pricing, if space allows.
Submit interest using the form below. Space is limited.
Questions: getjazzed@berksarts.org